Lirik dan Makna lagu Buzz dari NIKI

Sabtu, 10 Agustus 2024 - 15:43 WIB
The first coffe shop run in the Autumn

It’s that feeling, a propeller

The first line of a fucking best seller


The song’s about to start (can you hear it?)

the door’s about to open (can you feel it?)

The flies are about to ? (can you see it?)

I’m about to fall for you


About to fall for you

Verse 2

it’s the accidental touch when you don’t mean to

The thickest tension

It’s the millisecond freeze frame after good news

or Unexpected mention


It’s a big long ? when the show ends

Phone talks, when it’s risky and you hit send

It’s feeling dizzy when you’re tipsy

Wonder why you’re so nervous round your so-called friend
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